Coastal Adventure: Day 1

After much procrastination (hey, I was afraid to try to start the truck so now I have a very clean house to return to) we rolled out of Ashland at about 10:30am on Tuesday.

I hate to admit it but I white knuckled for most of the drive so, other than a brief pit stop for fuel in Cave Junction, we simply kept rolling.

Five hours later we arrived in Bandon.

After checking in at the Sunset Motel, which has turned out to be a stellar choice (more about that later), we had a walk in old town and absorbed the views.

Walking behind a local kid wanting to go to the Dairy Queen to visit a girl I wondered about his out of place black hat, black suit, and white socks. At first I couldn’t figure out why his geeky outfit worked. And it really niggled at me because it did work. Then I recognized he was dressed as a Blues Brother. And I grinned big.

As we strolled along I noticed a tourist fisherman having his photo taken with his very large catch. In all my visits to Bandon I’ve never witnessed this particular moment. Again I grinned. This is vacation.

My grinning is mild compared to the response of the dogs to being in a coastal environment. Can you say “amped up?” The hard part is convincing Aiko and Posy to be quiet in the room. They are both shouting their joy at every opportunity. He at least sings a song. She just yells. …. Oddly, Doris who is nicknamed “Talky Tina” is being uncharacteristically quiet. Thank you Doris!

That said…. Can we stay here forever.

Face Rock at sunset – Bandon, Oregon, 10/09/12